Saturday, August 18, 2012

Spring Web Services with Jaxb

In this post I am going to explain how to implement a web service by using spring-ws. For the demonstration purpose I am going to narrow down this sample project as follows.

Functionality of web service : Authenticate a user(I am not going to use any encryption method or a security mechanism since this post is about spring ws :-))

Development/Deployment environment :
  • java 1.6
  • Spring-ws-core with jaxb 
  • Intelij Idea
  • Apache tomcat 
  • SoapUI 4.5.1
 First we need to start with a schema definition which our service is going to support. So for the simplicity I used following definition which is easy to understand.





Above schema definition consist of a simple login request and the corresponding response.Simple it can parse following sample messages.

Request Message


Response Message


Then you need to create a web project by using your IDE or a build tool like maven. A web service acts like a web app and the the significant difference is that it can identify incoming xml requests and response them with corresponding xml responses as mentioned in above. If you are familiar with Spring mvc you know that we can configure a Dispatcher Servlet in web.xml which can identify HTTP get and post requests from the client browser.In the similar manner you can configure a MessageDispatcherServlet which can identify web server requests.
Then you should have customer-ws-servlet.xml where all the spring web service configurations and jaxb marshaling configurations are located. You can find the Servlet here . The important thing to be noticed is the WSDL configuration and schema configuration.

customer service bean creates a wsdl for you according to the schema bean which is configured to the loginschema.xsd. Once you deploy the web service in to the web container you can access the generated wsdl by http://localhost:8080/customerService/customerService.wsdl.

Then its time to implement end point class which the final destination for incoming soap massages. Following is the implementation of the endpoint.
public class CustomerServiceEndPoint {

    private LoginService loginService;

    @PayloadRoot(localPart = "LoginRequest", namespace = "")
    public JAXBElement login(@RequestPayload JAXBElement requestElement) throws IOException {
        ObjectFactory objectFactory = new ObjectFactory();
        LoginResponseDetails details = new LoginResponseDetails();

        if (loginService.login(requestElement.getValue().getPassword(), requestElement.getValue().getPassword())) {

            return objectFactory.createLoginResponse(details);
        return objectFactory.createLoginResponse(details);

You can see the login method is accepting jaxb element called LoginDetails and it passes that details in to service method and authenticate the user and return the response jaxb element. you might be wondering how this happens. It is because we have configure marshalling and unmarshalling in the servlet xml.And also to enable the jaxb class generation I have used jaxb2-maven-plugin in my pom file which you can find the source code on the Google code repository.

Source Code Link : Code
What you have to do is simply check out the source code and then run mvn package command. Then you can see the generated war file. Then deploy it in to apache tomcat. Now you are done.

Following is the screen shot  taken from the soapui to verify that the web service is working or not.

From my next post i hope to show how to write client app to use this web service.

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